Some fabrics or other materials cannot be easily sewn with the normal (metal) machine feet. You have to prevent fabrics such as leather and vinyl, plastic, oil cloth, suedes and ultrasuede from sticking to the bottom of the foot and to the foot plate of the sewing machine.
For these projects you need a teflon foot / a non-stick machine foot.
This foot allows fabrics that are sticky to glide right under the foot.
Anumite materiale nu se cos usor cu piciorusul de metal al masinii de cusut: vinilinul, material plastic, musama, materiale cu un strat de plastic / coating, piele de caprioara adevarata sau imitatie (ultimul material il veti gasi si sub denumirea de 'suede'. ' suedine' sau ' ultra suede').
Cand coaseti astfel de materiale - cu tighel drept sau cu puncte decorative - trebuie sa evitati ca piciorusul de metal sa se 'lipeasca' de material, pentru ca nu il va transporta asa cum ar trebui. Trebuie sa folositi un piciorus cu un strat de teflon, care permite materialului sa 'alunece' sub piciorus.
Fig. 1
I have such feet for my Berninas, as you can see (Fig. 1). They are indeed better than the metal ones for sewing on oil cloth, but the teflon coat can be ' eaten' by the feed dogs, if you use the teflon foot exactly the same way you do with a 'regular' sewing machine foot.
Am si eu astfel de picioruse (Fig. 1), care sunt intr-adevar mai bune decat cele de metal, dar au un mare defect: se duce stratul de teflon, pentru ca este zgariat de zimtii transportorului.
I shall show you what happened to my most used teflon / non-sticky machine foot. I think I do not need to tell you about which foot I am talking (Fig. 2).
Am sa va arat aici ce am patit cu un piciorus pe care il folosesc des. Cred ca nu trebuie sa va mai spun care este.
Fig. 2
I treat my sewing machines extremely well. I always clean and oil before I start sewing, doing exactly what my manual says I need to do in order to keep my sewing machine happy.
Every time I get a new machine (not recently) I study the manual before I start sewing. I read the manual 2-3 times, to get accustomed with my sewing machine. I do recommend all of you to do the same, especially if you have a 'more complicated' sewing machine.
In general am mare grija de masinile mele de cusut, pe care le curat de ate si scame si le ung asa cum scrie in manual.
De fapt primul lucru pe care il fac cand am o masina noua este sa citesc manualul din cap la coada de doua-trei ori. Masinile de acum trebuiesc folosite cu atentie si au proprieteti de care nu ai sti nicodata, daca nu ai cunoaste manualul.
And yet... I use to chain sew and I want to keep it this way. Therefore I need to sew some stitches outside the fabric and start with a new piece. I think those stitches with the foot with no fabric underneath caused my problem (the disappearing teflon coating).
I know, I know, I should use a leading scrap or tissue paper to prevent the teflon to be in contact with the feed dogs. The problem is that I do not want to do so.
Si totusi ... Am cusut ' in lant' , adica nu am taiat ata intre doua tivuri. Am mers cativa pasi in gol si am pus noua parte pe care trebuia sa o cos sub piciorus. Tocmai acesti cativa pasi in gol au dus la deteriorarea stratuliui de teflon, cum se vede mai jos.
Stiu ca as putea evita deteriorea stratului de teflon daca as folosi un petec intre doua cusaturi sau as coase pe foita, ca sa evit ca teflonul sa intre in contact direct cu zimtisorii transportorului.
Dar nu am chef de asa ceva.
Fig. 3
The idea is that if the teflon coating will practically disappear, I need to buy another teflon foot. Which is almost twice more expensive as the same 'regular' foot. I am talking about the Bernina feet, of course.
In general daca se detrioreaza si mai mult ar trebui sa cumpar un piciorus nou, care este aproape dublu ca pret, fata de acelasi piciorus, dar fara teflon. Nici pomenrala de asa ceva.
No, thanks. I found a better idea in a Craftsy class (about sewing oil cloth). I have to try it if the teflon foot wil l deteriorate more.
Am gasit intr-un curs de la Craftsy despre prelucrarea musamalei (oil cloth) in genti o idee grozava, pe care o voi incerca neaparat, daca mi se deterioreaza si mai rau piciorusul.
You have to cover the underside of the foot with (several) layers of MASKING TAPE (Fig. 4-5).
Se imbraca talpa cu 'masking tape' un material pe care il folosesc zugravii ca sa acopere partile pe care nu le vopsesc. Veti folosi mai multe straturi. Fig. 4-5.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5. Masking Tape
I thinkl I shall try first leukoplast tape / leuko tape / sport tape??? used by doctors.
Eu am sa incerc insa intai cu leucoplast, atunci cand voi fi pusa in situatia sa nu mai folosi piciorusul, pentru ca a pierdut prea mult din stratul de teflon.
Fig. 6
... if leuko tape does not work well, I shall use masking tape.
... si daca nu merge, am sa folosesc materialul pentru zugravi (masking tape).
Try this method (maskking tape or leuko tape) if you have to sew a laminated fabric and you do not have a teflon foot. The only problem is that you will have to clean the foot, when you remove the masking tape,
If you are happy with this ' creative' non-stickk foot, you can purchase a second regular foot and use it as a ' teflon foot'. It will be much cheaper than a real teflon foot.
At least for Bernina sewing machines.
Incercati, deci, aceasta metoda, daca aveti de cusut un material laminat (coated) sau piele naturala sau artificiala. Nu va costa nimic. Singurul dezavantaj weste ca va trebui sa cureti piciorusul de rizdurile de la masking tape / leukoplas.
Daca veti constata ca ideea este bune, puteti cumpara un piciorus in plus normal pe care il puteit transforma in piciorus 'non stick' ('non-stick foot' ) si il veti pastra imbracat in maskling tape / leucoplast.
Va fi oricum mai ieftin decat piciorusul cu un strat de teflon., care risca sa se strice.
Post scriptum. I have three Bernina sewing machines. with a coated teflon foot. I saw that some brands have a plastic foot, which is not coated. If your machine has one, I would purchase it and do not bother to coat a regular foot with masking tape.
Post Scriptum. Eu am o masini de cusut de la Bernina,. Am vaziut ca sunt masini de cusut care au piciorusul din plastic si deci nu are un strat de Teflon pius peste metal, ca Berrnina.
Cred ca in acest caz nu trebuie sa va bateti capul cu imbracarea unui piciorus de metal in 'masking tape' sau leucoplast si puteti cumpara acel piciorus special, in intregime din plastic.
If you try before me, tell me how it worked. Thank you.
Daca incercati inaintea mea, va rog sa imi spuneti cum merge. Multumesc anticipat.